Boundaries: Your Key to Women’s Wellness and Hormone Harmony

In life’s journey, one often finds themselves navigating through various challenges, including the pursuit of health, happiness, and hormonal balance. As a naturopath and nutritionist dedicated to supporting women’s quest for a harmonious life, I understand the intricate connections between these aspects. Today, we will explore the importance of setting healthy boundaries and how they relate to women’s wellness,

How Trauma Is Keeping You Stuck & How To Heal

How Trauma Is Keeping You Stuck & How To Heal

Trauma can be a challenging issue, particularly when you throw in your monthly cycle. You get stuck in a loop of feeling better for a couple of weeks, but when your luteal phase hits, you’re back to square one!

If you feel that trauma is keeping you stuck, there are ways you can help your body and nervous system process and heal.

Reset Your Stress Using These Three Simple Habits

Reset Your Stress Using These Three Simple Habits

Has stress taken over your life? If you are constantly overwhelmed and under pressure with no relief, it’s time to learn how to reset your stress tolerance.

There are countless triggers for stress in the modern world. But you can start to improve your body’s ability to adapt to stress with just 3 simple steps.

woman faces a wooden wall with her hand in her blonde hair

Is Stress Causing Hair Loss? Here’s How To Fix It

Has stress led to clumps of hair falling out? Hair loss can be a scary side effect of both acute and chronic stress. But the good news is this is something we can address with some simple natural remedies.

How stress causes hair loss

When we experience stress,

woman with brown hair lies down, looking up

How To Adapt To Stress Effectively – 4 Simple Tips

We can’t avoid stress completely. But does your body know how to adapt to stress effectively?

Learning how to adapt to stress is the best way for us to cope with the busy-ness of everyday life. If we aren’t able to handle stress, it leads to issues such as weight gain around the belly, inflammation, insulin resistance and chronic health concerns.

Stressed out? Here’s How to Adapt to Stress

Feeling Stressed Out & Overwhelmed? Try these Habits.

Are you feeling stressed? and overwhelmed?

It’s a funny time of year with things getting back to normality but the residual overwhelm of the last few months still lingering.

But this doesn’t have to stay with you for the rest of the year.


Stress and its effects on your hormones

Stress alters the balance of your hormones and influences fertility, inflammation and your metabolic rate.

Fear and stress serve a purpose! Above all to get you into a situation where you can adapt and deal with a dangerous or fearful incident.

Adrenaline and cortisol rise and travel to target tissue such as muscle.

women walking barefoot on the beach

Grounding for Balanced Hormones

Improving  hormones and health through grounding

I’m always on the lookout for missing links to optimal health and balancing my hormones. At the start of 2018, I discovered the massive benefits of grounding personally. And I’d love to share these with you.

Since 2014 my job has meant that I spend numerous hours in front of my computer,