Food Waste

Ways to reduce food wastage

Food wastage is a huge problem in today’s society, we have about 1.3 billion tonnes of food wasted each year; they estimate that Aussies alone waste $8 billion worth of food each year. I believe that the healthier we are the less food goes to waste, we are less inclined to impulse buy junk food, and we tend to watch our portion size. So watching your waste will help your waist and the environment.

1) Any fruits and vegetables you have that have gone a little discoloured or squishy, just juice them or make into a nice healthy smoothie

2) Make sure you just have the staples in your cupboard, then buy fruit, veg only when
you need it; don’t buy lots of something just because there is a deal, you may never use it

3) Keep the fridge nice and cool, store fruit and vegetables in containers, this keeps them fresh for longer

4) Never shop when you are hungry, this can be dangerous for you and your bank  balance.

5) Always know where everything in your kitchen is, be organised and things won’t get lost or forgotten

6) Always check use by dates

7) Composting is a great way to give back to mother earth, you can use a bokashi
Bucket available at
If you don’t have a garden then you can donate to a community garden or your local
school garden – let’s get the goodness back into the earth Check out this site for more ideas on composting

8) Buy local, buy fresh, buy packaging free!

9) Always use left overs, they can be nice spruced up the next day for lunch or dinner

10) If you do buy veg or fruit in bulk that is in season, pickle or ferment excess.
For instance you might not use a whole cabbage, but chop half up and culture it.

Cultured Cabbage
Roughly chop half a cabbage, place in a food processor and pulse a few times, until it is roughly shredded. Place in a mixing bowl, add half a teaspoon of Himalayan rock salt and open a whole probiotic into it.
Mix then place into a large mason jar, squash down to get all the air out, top up with filtered water, you want the water to be about a cm above the cabbage. Place a whole
cabbage leaf over the top, and then seal the lid and place in a shaded place for 5 days
Transfer to the fridge
Have a tablespoon before each meal to help aid digestion and cleansing.


"Cultured friends” to Boost Health and Beauty

