chaste tree vitex chasteberry benefits hormones PMS PMDD menopause Naomi Judge Naturopath

How To Use Chaste Tree For Healthy Hormones

Have you heard about the potential benefits of chaste tree for your hormones?

Chaste tree, also known as chaste berry or Vitex, has many actions that can support hormone balance. But like any herb or supplement, is not a fit for everyone.

Can Low Serotonin Make Your Anxiety & Hormonal Problems Worse Naomi Judge Hormone Naturopath Nutritionist

Can Low Serotonin Make Your Anxiety & Hormonal Problems Worse?

Do you experience anxiety, low moods, pain and poor sleep during your luteal phase? Low serotonin may be to blame for your symptoms.

Let’s look at why serotonin is so important, and some simple ways to boost your levels.

Serotonin is often known as the ‘happy hormone’. But serotonin is not just about protecting against depression and supporting mood.

Oxalates Driving Your Pre-Menstrual Mood Swings Naomi Judge Naturopath

Are Oxalates Driving Your Pre-Menstrual Mood Swings?

Could high oxalates be to blame for your anxiety and PMS symptoms?

If you’re experiencing pre-menstrual symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, increased pain and insomnia, oxalates may be the underlying cause.

What are oxalates?

Oxalates are a molecule found in plants. It is sharp, like glass.

histamine moods, anxiety and hormones

Why Histamine Can Make Your Hormonal Issues Worse

Are you suffering from low moods, anxiety and brain fog during the second half of your cycle? Histamine could be to blame.

When you think about histamine, the first thing that likely comes to mind is allergies. But as a neurotransmitter, it can influence almost every system in the body – including your hormones and moods.

Boost Your Mood Before Your Period - 5 Easy Tips - Naomi Judge Naturopath & Nutritionist - Kensington, Surry Hills and Sydney CBD

How To Boost Your Mood Before Your Period – 5 Easy Tips

Do you find yourself crabby and snapping at everyone before your period? Or do you become a sobbing wreck for a week straight before you realise it’s that point in your cycle? If you want to boost your mood and avoid feeling unhappy, there are some simple steps you can take.

How To Nourish Your Brain Chemicals Before Your Period - Naomi Judge Naturopath & Nutritionist - Kensington, Surry Hills and Sydney CBD

How To Nourish Your Brain Before Your Period

Although hormones do play a role in mood fluctuations leading up to menstruation, they aren’t the only problem.
Low serotonin levels are incredibly common in women who struggle with mood and mental health symptoms in the lead-up to their period.
By making a few simple changes, you can learn how to nourish your brain and encourage the production of feel-good brain chemicals.