Woman biting and chocolate with Red Lipstick

Orgasms and Chocolate

It’s fact, the less you orgasm the more chocolate you eat!!!

Well maybe not fact, but I do see a common pattern with my clients. They have low libido, less frequent sexual enjoyment which leads to eating more chocolate.

When it comes to your health and wellbeing, it’s not always just about food or exercise – those are important parts of the jigsaw,

Young woman sitting on the bed with hard stomach pain

20 Ways to Balance Estrogen

What do you think of when you hear the words “elevated estrogen”? Most people might think of painful heavy periods or an hourglass body shape, or even larger breasts, but the truth is elevated estrogen is a whole other ballgame which can really impact your life.

Woman cyring

What is your body trying to tell you?

ody sings are often overlooked and ignored, but are highly important indicators of your health, wellbeing and your toxic burden. If you pick up on these signs early it can save a lot of time, trouble and money.

Woman in the woods doing Yoga

10 Steps to Healthy Happy Hormones

Low sex drive, seesaw moods, stubborn weight gain, bloating & flatulence, constipation, reflux; hair loss and premature ageing are just some of the symptoms of not having harmonious hormonal functions.

Smiling Fit African American woman lifting weights

Naturopaths & Resistant Weightloss

Are you scouring the internet almost every day for new diet fads that can help you lose those pesky pounds in days or weeks? Have you been following extreme workout regimes that leave you to exhausted to actually go back home and live a life?