corn and woman

5 Simple Steps To Support Healthy Ovulation

Are your hormones out of balance? Want to get back to feeling healthy and happy all month long? One of the most important steps we can take is to encourage healthy ovulation.

5 Simple Steps To Support Healthy Ovulation

Everyone is different depending on which hormones are out of balance and what has caused the imbalance.

histamine moods, anxiety and hormones

Why Histamine Can Make Your Hormonal Issues Worse

Are you suffering from low moods, anxiety and brain fog during the second half of your cycle? Histamine could be to blame.

When you think about histamine, the first thing that likely comes to mind is allergies. But as a neurotransmitter, it can influence almost every system in the body – including your hormones and moods.

woman being prepared for blood test female hormone testing serum

Hormone Testing – When Should You Get Tested And Why?

Have you been considering whether hormone testing will help you? There are a variety of different hormone tests and types. So how do you know which is relevant for you?

As a practitioner, I encourage my clients to track their symptoms first. Hormone testing is just the icing on the cake.

By tracking your symptoms throughout your cycle,

Boost Your Mood Before Your Period - 5 Easy Tips - Naomi Judge Naturopath & Nutritionist - Kensington, Surry Hills and Sydney CBD

How To Boost Your Mood Before Your Period – 5 Easy Tips

Do you find yourself crabby and snapping at everyone before your period? Or do you become a sobbing wreck for a week straight before you realise it’s that point in your cycle? If you want to boost your mood and avoid feeling unhappy, there are some simple steps you can take.

How To Nourish Your Brain Chemicals Before Your Period - Naomi Judge Naturopath & Nutritionist - Kensington, Surry Hills and Sydney CBD

How To Nourish Your Brain Before Your Period

Although hormones do play a role in mood fluctuations leading up to menstruation, they aren’t the only problem.
Low serotonin levels are incredibly common in women who struggle with mood and mental health symptoms in the lead-up to their period.
By making a few simple changes, you can learn how to nourish your brain and encourage the production of feel-good brain chemicals.

Intense Mood Swings Before Your Period? Here's Why - Naomi Judge Naturopath & Nutritionist - Kensington, Surry Hills and Sydney CBD

Intense Mood Swings Before Your Period? Here’s Why

Do you feel like you become a monster when PMS hits? Does your pre-menstrual anger, frustration or sadness stop you from enjoying life? Let’s take a look at 3 reasons why you might experience intense mood swings in the weeks leading up to your period.

A refresher on the luteal phase

The luteal phase is the second half of the menstrual cycle.

3 Reasons for Low Progesterone

Low progesterone is becoming an epidemic that causes emotional, physical and mental problems with both men and women. Low progesterone is one of the main causes of PMS, irregular periods and fertility problems.

There are many reasons for low progesterone but in this video, I have identified three main reasons for ever lowering progesterone levels in women.

luteal phase women in bed

Luteal Phase Mood Swings

For many women, the Luteal phase is one they dread

It can signal two or more weeks of extreme fatigue, depression and even anxiety

The Luteal phase is the 2-weeks post ovulation. Your oestrogen and luteinizing hormone should have peaked mid-cycle to rupture mature follicles, this then creates the corpus luteum which goes onto produce progesterone to prep your body for pregnancy.


Support your Hormones after Gallbladder Surgery

Your Gallbladder has a Function!

Your Gallbladder serves an essential and vital function when it comes to your hormone balance. If you have had yours removed it’s important to focus on supporting your liver, kidneys and bowel so that your hormones remain balanced.

The Gallbladder stores bile which acts as an emulsifier of fats,

6 Body Signs of Low Progesterone


Do you wonder why you do everything right, but still don’t quite feel ‘yourself’?

90% of my clients suffer from low progesterone. This can sometimes be the straw that breaks that camels back when it comes to a busy, stressed out lifestyle.

Low progesterone will leave you tired,